Nutrition Kooking 4 Kids
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Please Help Us Make Sure Every Night is a Child’s Turn to Eat
Monetary Donations help us fill the gap in operational cost and the cost reimbursements from the State of California.

“Tonight is Not My Turn to Eat”

According to Feeding America's recent ""Map the Meal Gap"" report, 1.5 million people in Los Angeles county don’t have enough funds to buy a sufficient amount of food, making it home to the largest population of food insecure people in the U.S. The report also highlighted even more troubling news for the area’s youngest residents. Los Angeles has the largest population of food-insecure children with one in four kids don’t have enough food to eat.

More about the opening quote.
One of Kooking 4 Kids free meal sites is the Los Angeles LAPD Watts Bears Summer Institute: One day after serving lunch to the students as it is the practice in the Summer Institute, the students leave the classroom and attend PE. Well, one of the Officers left something in class, when he entered the room he was shocked to find a student was in the class room packing up the leftover food and putting it in his backpack. The Officer was upset and begin to lecture the student about his dishonest actions (stealing) and how such behavior could land him in jail, the Officer says the student drop his head and said “Sir I know it is wrong for me take this food, but tonight is not my turn to eat”

The mission of Kooking 4 Kids is to make sure every night is his and others children in need turn to eat. Through a partnership with the State of California Department of Education Nutrition Service our agency provides free healthy, tasty and kid friendly meals throughout Southern California year round. We have our own state of the art mobile kitchen where we prepare supper meals during the school year and breakfast, lunch and supper during the summer months when kids are out of school.